Where different kinds of plants grow

Where different kinds of plants grow

I can describe where different kinds of plants grow and live.

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Where different kinds of plants grow

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In this lesson, students learn where different kinds of plants grow including indoors, outdoors, in rainforests, and even in the water!



Learning Objective

Students will be able to identify the homes of different kinds of plants and explain how they are able to live there.


To begin, explain that all plants are living things. Ask students to think about the different plants they see around them. Next, explain what a habitat is and that all plants must have enough food, water, and space to live. Have students complete the word search for different plant habitats.


Explain that plants grow in many different types of habitats like deserts, forests, lakes, rivers, and oceans. Share some examples on the board. Have students determine if the plants pictured live in water or on land. Next, go over rainforest plants. Explain that these plants get lots of rain and sun. Share some examples like the cacao tree and banana trees. After this, explain the characteristics of desert plants and show some examples. Check student understanding by having them drag a tree to the rainforest plants and a sun to the plants that grow in a desert. Then go over different types of aquatic plants. Have students draw a line to match the plants to the correct habitat. Finally, explain how some plants can grow indoors.


Students respond to ten multiple-choice and true/false questions. They will be shown pictures of plants and decide where those plants grow.


Students think of a plant and draw a picture of where they think that plant grows. There is a printable worksheet included for this activity.

Instruction materials

The lesson includes an optional printable worksheet for the closing activity.

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