Types of irony

I can identify and explain the three types of irony.

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Types of irony

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In this lesson, students learn about the three types of irony: verbal, situational, and dramatic. They will read and provide examples of each and conclude by reading and analyzing “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin. In the end, students will think of their own examples for each type of irony.

Common core standards


Learning Objective

Students will be able to differentiate between the three types of irony and analyze their use in literature.


Have students observe and discuss the image on the board. What is the woman in the image doing and saying? Does she mean what she says? Explain what irony is and introduce the three types: verbal, situational, and dramatic.


Explain each type of irony, beginning with verbal irony, when a character says the opposite of what they mean. Next, go over situational irony, when what occurs is the opposite of what you expect. Be sure to emphasize that this is not the same thing as a coincidence and provide examples. Have students drag to sort the examples to the appropriate box. Finally, go over dramatic irony and explain that it creates tension and suspense. Read the examples and determine the type of irony used. Read “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin. There is a printable version of the story linked as well. Discuss the irony used in the story.


Students respond to 10 questions which ask them to define the types of irony, detect which kind of irony is used and apply irony to a given situation.


Review the three types of irony discussed in the lesson. Spin the wheel and have students think of an example of the type of irony you land on.

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