Transition words, phrases, and clauses

Transition words, phrases, and clauses

I can identify and effectively use transition words, phrases, and clauses.

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Transition words, phrases, and clauses

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In this lesson, students will learn common transitions for different purposes that they can use in their writing.



Learning objective

Students will be able to identify and effectively use transition words, phrases, and clauses.


Students will read four claims and think of ways to strengthen the claims. Review transitional words, such as, "however" and "on the other hand." Next, read through transitions to show cause and effect, comparison, contrast, addition, time sequence, and examples.


Students will respond to ten questions which ask students to identify the type of transition words and to determine which transition word is being used in context.


Students will recall what they learned:
- What are some strong transitions you can use in your writing?
- Why is it important to use transitions?

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Gynzy is an online teaching platform for interactive whiteboards and displays in schools.

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