Solving the division table of 5

Solving the division table of 5

Students learn to solve the division table of 5.

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Solving the division table of 5

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The students learn to solve the division table of 5.



Learning objective

Students will be able to solve the division table of 5.


You ask students to volunteer to come up and solve the jumps of 5 on the number line on the whiteboard. You do this both forwards and backwards.


First you discuss the importance of solving division problems. Next you explain that with a division problem you have a number of something in each group and that in the division table of 5 you divide by 5 each time. For this you show an example with 30 tennis balls, which must be evenly divided between 5 barrels. From here you can use the bar on the bottom right of the lesson to navigate through the lesson (visual, abstract, story) in the order that best meets your learning goals. Otherwise you continue following the pages in order and continue on to the problems with visual support. For this you explain how you calculate a division problem by telling how a division problem works with images of apples that must be split into 5 baskets, next you practice by divided a number of tennis balls between 5 barrels. After this you show images and the students must come up with the problem that matches each of the images. Next you show an image and you ask a student volunteer to divide the birds between the trees and the glue sticks between 5 containers. After this you have the students solve division problems on their own using an image. Next you discuss the abstract problems. First you show what a problem from the division table of 5 looks like when you must divide a number evenly by 5. Then you show a problem from the division table of 5. Next the students practice a few problems. Then you walk the students through the steps of solving a story problem. The students can click on the speaker to hear the story.

Check whether the students can solve problems from the division table of 5 by asking them the following questions:
- What does the problem 10 ÷ 5 mean? Can you tell an example?
- How can you easily solve a division problem?


The students test their understanding of the division table of 5 through ten exercises. Some of these exercises have visual support, others are abstract problems and others are story problems.


You have the students solve another problem with visual support, after that they solve another abstract problem and then another story problem. To close you can play a memory game. The students make cards together in pairs. On ten cards they write a problem from the division table of 5 and on the other ten cards they write the answers. The students get a point each time they match the answer with the correct division problem.

Teaching tips

You may have the students calculate division problems with concrete materials by making groups of 5.

Instruction materials

MAB-blocks for each pair or other concrete materials.
Paper to make cards for memory.

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