Skip counting in 10s to 50

Skip counting in 10s to 50

Skip counting in 10s to 50

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Skip counting in 10s to 50

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Students learn to skip count in 10s in different contexts. They also learn that it is best to first skip count the tens, and then the remaining objects.

Common core standard(s)



Explain that it is useful to be able to skip count in 10s because then you can count faster.


Students practice counting to 50. Ask the students to play a game. They take turns taking steps and counting sequential numbers. The first student takes steps counting every step. After a few numbers, they tag the next student, who must continue counting and taking steps. Continue through the classroom until you reach 50. To increase difficulty, you can have students skip count in 2s or 5s.


Explain that when you skip count in 10s, you always count 10 more. The interactive whiteboard shows the numbers from 1 to 50, with all the 10s in blue. Explain that these are important numbers when skip counting in 10s. Next slide shows a bead string of 50 beads to count together as a class. You can also count the 30 pencils. Encourage students to skip count in 10s. First skip count the groups of 10, then count the remaining objects.

To check that students can skip count in 10s to 50, you can ask the following questions:
- How do you skip count?
- Why is it useful to skip count in 10s?
- If you have many groups of 10, and a few remaining objects, which do you count first, and why?

Guided Practice

Students first practice skip counting in 10s with images of objects where the 10s are clearly grouped. Next they practice with cups. Encourage them to first skip count the 10s and then to count the remaining objects. Also ask the students to count out loud as much as possible.


Check that students can skip count in 10s to 50 and that they can explain that skip counting in 10s means counting 10 more every time. Emphasize that skip counting in 10s is useful because you can count faster. To check that students know how to skip count in 10s, do the exercise on the interactive whiteboard together. Students see two children who give different answers for a shown amount. Students must decide which child has the correct answer.

Teaching Tip

Students who have difficulty will count objects 1 by 1. Encourage them to skip count in 10s by saying the jumps of 10 out loud with them on a number line. They can also practice counting on from 10, on from 20, etc.

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Gynzy is an online teaching platform for interactive whiteboards and displays in schools.

With a focus on elementary education, Gynzy’s Whiteboard, digital tools, and activities make it easy for teachers to save time building lessons, increase student engagement, and make classroom management more efficient.

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