Similarities between a globe and a map

Similarities between a globe and a map

I can identify the similarities and differences between a globe and a map.

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Similarities between a globe and a map

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A globe helps us visualize the Earth, the huge amount of space covered by our oceans, and the vast distance between land masses. Maps also allow us to do this, and are especially good for providing more detailed information about specific areas, such as the locations of roads, towns, and cities. In this lesson, students will learn about the functions of globes and maps.

Learning objective

Students will be able to identify the similarities and differences between a globe and a map.


Students will match photos to the correct map symbol. Students will be introduced to maps and globes. They will discuss the difference between maps and globes, what each represents, and why we use them.


Students will label a map and globe. Students will then sort pictures of maps and globes. With assistance, students will fill in the blanks to complete sentences about maps and globes. Students will complete a diagram comparing a map and a globe. Students will complete a diagram comparing and contrasting both maps and globes. Students will then use words from a word bank to fill in the blank of info about maps and globes.


Review similarities and differences of globes and maps with 10 multiple-choice questions.


Students will recall what they learned in this lesson by playing a game about maps and globes.

Related Lessons

To teach students more about how to properly read and use maps and globes, try these other lessons:

- Read, construct, and use maps
- Parts of a map
- Match legend symbols to map features
- Identify continents and oceans
- Use a compass rose to identify cardinal directions

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