Scarcity within the family and school

Scarcity within the family and school

I can identify how scarcity within the family and school influences making choic

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Scarcity within the family and school

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In this lesson, students will learn about different aspects of life that may be scarce. They will also discuss possible solutions for these scarcities.

Learning objective

Students will be able to identify how scarcity within the family and school influences choice.


Students will review wants and needs within the family and school. Then they will be introduced to the role that scarcity plays in this and why scarcity influences choice. For example, a family not having enough money to buy something.


Students will identify resources that can be scarce (time, money, supplies, classroom materials). They will watch a read-aloud of A Chair for my Mother (or a read aloud one of the other suggested books) in order to have a discussion on limited resources affecting choices. They will make text-to-self connections through discussion of scarcity and choice. Students will do dramatic roleplays of various scenarios in school and at home to make choices based on scarcity.


Review the lesson with 10 questions identifying and coming up with possible solutions for different scenarios with scarce resources.


Students will spin a wheel and then give an example (from their own life or just an example) of a choice to make, given the scarce resource.

Instruction materials

Here are some books (with YouTube read-aloud links) you can use with this lesson:
- A Chair for my Mother by: Vera B. Williams
- Tight Times by: Barbara Shook Hazen
Stone Soup_ by: Marcia Brown

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