Roman Empire: Cultural and Scientific Contributions

Roman Empire: Cultural and Scientific Contributions

I can describe the achievements and contributions of Ancient Rome to modern...

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Roman Empire: Cultural and Scientific Contributions

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In this lesson, students learn how ideas from Ancient Rome continue to be used today. For example, inventions and ways of governing and living continue to be seen today. They will explore the influence of Ancient Rome in architecture, medicine, language, law, art, and entertainment.

Learning Objective

Students will be able to describe the contributions of Ancient Rome to our modern world including law, literature, and language.


Take a virtual field trip and have students watch the video of the 3D reconstruction of Ancient Rome. What do they notice? What is the architecture like? Do they recognize any buildings or structures? Show students some buildings on the next slide.


Review the timeline of Ancient Rome from the Roman Kingdom to the Roman Empire. Show students how structures like arches influenced architecture throughout the world. Next, discuss the use and function of aqueducts. Show students the diagram and explain how Ancient Romans used the water. Have students analyze how this system compares to our plumbing today. Then discuss the Ancient Roman roadway system and ask how roads in the United States have helped to keep us connected. Go over the Roman numerals. Where have they seen Roman numerals before? After this, explain that the Roman language was Latin, the basis of many of our modern languages. Have them read the phrases on the board. Are they familiar with any of them? Continue to show the influence of Ancient Rome in literature, law, art, and entertainment. Discuss the role of battles and gladiators. How do they feel about the role of violence in entertainment?


Check student understanding with ten multiple-choice, fill-in, and true or false questions.


Students draw a line to match the Latin phrases to the correct meaning.

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