Relevant and sufficient evidence to support claims

Relevant and sufficient evidence to support claims

I can assess whether evidence is relevant and sufficient to support a claim.

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Relevant and sufficient evidence to support claims

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In this lesson, students will learn how to write relevant and sufficient evidence to support claims. They will start by identifying irrelevant and insufficient evidence in passages. They will then read examples of relevant and sufficient evidence, and they will also write their own evidence to prompts in the lesson.



Learning objective

Students will be able to assess whether evidence is relevant and sufficient to support a claim.


Review the concepts of claim and evidence. Students will decide if this statement, "Driving while using a cell phone causes over one million crashes each year," is a claim or evidence. Ask why it is important to assess whether evidence is relevant and sufficient enough to support a claim.


Discuss how much evidence is needed to fully support a claim. Students will read an example of a claim with a piece of relevant evidence and an example of a claim with sufficient evidence.

Next, students will read a paragraph about football and determine if the evidence is relevant. They will also read about solar power and determine if the evidence is sufficient. Students will read some irrelevant evidence and rewrite the statement with relevant evidence. They will do a similar activity with insufficient evidence. They will add more evidence to the paragraph about homework. Students will then drag evidence to support the claim, "Self-driving cars and trucks would be beneficial to humans." They will also support the claim, "Middle school students shouldn't have bedtimes."


Students will respond to 10 questions which review their knowledge of claims and evidence, and ask students to determine the best evidence to support a claim.


Students will recall:
- What makes evidence relevant and sufficient?
- Why is it important to include relevant and sufficient evidence? What effect does it have on a claim?

Lastly, students will write a paragraph to convince the school district to extend the length of summer vacation.

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With a focus on elementary education, Gynzy’s Whiteboard, digital tools, and activities make it easy for teachers to save time building lessons, increase student engagement, and make classroom management more efficient.

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