Refer to the story for answers: QAR strategy

Refer to the story for answers: QAR strategy

I can ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text.

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Refer to the story for answers: QAR strategy

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In this lesson, students will learn the QAR strategy to answer questions. They will learn four different types of questions: right there, think and search, author and me, and on my own, and do many short activities to practice identifying them.



Learning objective

Students will be able to ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text.


Students will sort groups of words into questions and answers. Explain to students why it is important to ask and answer questions about texts as well as their interests.


Explain that there are four different types of questions: right there, think and search, author and me, and on my own. Students will learn more about each type of question. Next, they will read a passage about Mary in Massachusetts and determine the type of question that is asked. They will read a few more questions regarding the passage and match them to the correct question types. They will then answer those questions. Then, students will think of their own "right there" and "think and search" questions and share them with the class. They will also think of "author and me" and "on my own" questions about the previous passage and share those with the class as well. Students will also match the types of questions to their definitions. They will discuss how knowing the question types can help them find answers to questions.


Students will answer ten questions in which they determine the different types of questions that can come up in a text and review materials covered in the lesson.


Students will recall what they learned:
- Why is the QAR strategy important when asking and answering questions?
- What are the four different question types?

Students will then sort questions by their question type.

Read our blog post to learn more about reading comprehension exercises!

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