Read third grade irregularly spelled words

Read third grade irregularly spelled words

I can read irregularly spelled words.

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Read third grade irregularly spelled words

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Students learn to recognize and read irregularly spelled words.



!---Learning objective
Students will be able to recognize and read irregularly spelled words.


Discuss the strategy of decoding words with phonics with the students. As a class, try to decode the words in the green box.


Tell students that some words cannot be decoded using phonics but must be memorized. Discuss with students that irregularly spelled words must be memorized because you cannot sound out each letter in a word. Remind students that by memorizing these irregularly spelled words you become a better reader. Have students find the irregularly spelled words by dragging the objects to their matching words. Then ask students to circle the correct spelling of the given words and then place them into the sentences given. In pairs or as a class, ask students to mark which words are spelled correctly. Review the words given and remind students that the reason they are memorizing these words is because they cannot sound out the word by saying each of the letter's sounds.


Students are given 10 questions in which they are asked to select which of the given words are spelled correctly as well as questions in which they are given a sentence and are asked to fill in the blank with the correct spelling of the given word.


Remind students that by memorizing these irregularly spelled words, or sight words, they become better readers, since they cannot sound out these words. Ask students to drag the magnifying glass to identify the correctly spelled words. Close by playing a game. Spin the dial and listen to the word. Drag the word to its matching color. Where does it belong?

Teaching tips

Students who have difficulty memorizing the words can ben encouraged to make flashcards of the irregularly spelled words, or to write sentences with the words to help enter the words into their lexicon.

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