Natural, capital, and human resources

Natural, capital, and human resources

I can define and distinguish between natural, capital, and human resources.

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Natural, capital, and human resources

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In this lesson, students will distinguish between natural, capital, and human resources.

Learning objective

Students will be able to define and distinguish between natural, capital, and human resources.


Students will have a short class discussion about what their parents bought for their households the past week. Students will think about where their parents got those items and how they paid for them.


Students will be introduced to the three types of resources: natural, capital, and human. They will complete activities about resources, including matching pictures with the correct resource type and identifying which resources are found at a school, hospital, or store.

Students will then listen to a YouTube read-aloud of The Three Little Pigs (or read the book if available). Then, students will sort the resources from the story into the 3 types of resources. Students will also complete a few more activities identifying the types of resources.


Review natural, capital, and human resources with 8 multiple-choice and 2 true/false questions.


Students will take part in an extension activity. They will split into small groups and get assigned a location (e.g., hospital, school, etc.). Each group will think of resources for each location.

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Gynzy is an online teaching platform for interactive whiteboards and displays in schools.

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