Main idea & details that support it

Main idea & details that support it

I can determine the main idea of a text using key details.

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Main idea & details that support it

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In this lesson, students will determine the main idea of an informational passage and identify the key details that support it. They will practice reading the main idea of an informative text and coming up with their own key details. Alternatively, they will also read key details, and determine the main idea. The lesson includes various passages for students to practice this skill.



Learning Objective

Students will be able to determine the main idea and key details of an informative text.


Read the passage and have students determine the topic and list some facts they learned. Define the key terms, "main idea" and "key details." Drag the terms to the correct definition.


Have students read the passage and underline the main idea. Then ask how the details support the stated main idea. Have students highlight the strongest key details they find. After this, read the next passage and allow students to work together to think of a supporting detail they could add that would improve the passage. The next passage includes key details but no main idea. Students should write a sentence that states the main idea.


Students respond to 10 questions. They will read a passage and answer questions relating to the main idea and key details.


Students are given a main idea and will work with a partner to come up with 3 key details for that main idea. They will do this again, but this time, they will be given 3 key details and they should write a sentence that would be an appropriate main idea.

Read our blog post to learn more about Identifying the Main Idea & Supporting Details!

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Gynzy is an online teaching platform for interactive whiteboards and displays in schools.

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