How young plants are alike and unlike their parents

How young plants are alike and unlike their parents

I can use evidence to make a scientific argument about how young plants are alik

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How young plants are alike and unlike their parents

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We can use observations about which animals look alike to figure out which animals are related. Our observations give us clues about what adult and baby animals look like, and how they look different as babies versus when they are fully grown.

This lesson discusses how young plants look similar and different from their parents, and what types of observations we can make to help us better understand this relationship.



Learning objective

Students will be able to use evidence to make a scientific argument about how young plants are alike and unlike their parents.


Students will be shown pictures of baby animals and adult animals. Ask students to match the young animal with the parent. They will then discuss how they knew which young animals were related to adult animals. They will talk about how to use observations about which animals look alike to figure out which animals are related. Observations give clues to which adult animals are the baby animals’ parents.


Students will turn and talk: have students talk about personal connections about how they look similar to and different from a parent or relative. Review plant life cycle briefly (seed → young plant → mature plant → flower → fruit). Students will be introduced to the term "offspring," another name for a young plant or animal.

They will also practice making some observations. Show a detailed picture and have students make observations using sight. They will then compile evidence. Show pictures of young plants and adult plants. Students will make observations on their similarities and differences.


Review lesson concepts with multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank questions.


Students will recall what they learned about observations, evidence, and plants. They will then play a game where they match the young plant to its parent. Then they will list the evidence they used to make the match.

Related Lessons

We offer a variety of science lessons to help students better understand the world around them. Other relevant lessons include:

- Plant life cycle
- Plant structures
- What plants need to live
- How young animals are alike and unlike their parents

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