How to prepare for severe weather

How to prepare for severe weather

I can explain how to prepare for severe weather forecasts.

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How to prepare for severe weather

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In this lesson, students will learn about 5 types of severe weather; blizzards, tornados, hurricanes, droughts, and floods. Students will learn that severe weather is different from regular weather. Students will learn how to prepare for these extreme types of weather.



Learning objective

Students will be able to explain how to prepare for severe weather forecasts.


Students will look at 4 different weather icons; rain, tornado, lightning, and snow. They will discuss the type of weather and describe what happens during these different weather forecasts.


This lesson will remind the students of what weather and weather forecasting mean. It will touch upon several types of weather and explain severe weather forecasts. Students will learn what blizzards, tornados, hurricanes, droughts, and floods are and how they could be damaging. They will observe a video that shows how to create an emergency kit and what to include. Students will discuss how they think they should prepare for each severe weather type before learning some important preparation steps.


Students will respond to 10 questions, including 5true/false and 5 multiple-choice.


Students will sort out “actions” that can be used to prepare for several severe weather forecasts. They will draw a picture of themselves or someone else preparing for severe weather and share to show their understanding of what they have learned.

Teaching tips

You can chart the ways to prepare for each severe weather type; including any additional ideas the students come up with. You can also create a weather book or journal for students that includes the name of the severe weather with a picture for reference.

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