How authors use reasons and evidence to support points

How authors use reasons and evidence to support points

I can identify reasons and evidence an author uses to support particular points.

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How authors use reasons and evidence to support points

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In this lesson, students will learn how to find the reasons and evidence authors use to support their main points. Students will read a couple of passages and practice identifying these parts of expository texts.



Learning objective

Students will be able to identify reasons and evidence an author uses to support particular points.


Students will discuss the features of expository texts. Explain and discuss the difference between reasons and evidence. It is important for readers to recognize the particular points an author is trying to make and how the points are supported by reasons and evidence.


Students will read a passage titled, "Power From Nature," and highlight the sentence that shows the author's main point. They will also highlight the reasons why the author thinks that and the evidence the author cites to support the main point. Students will then discuss what they think the author wants them to take away from that expository text.


Students will respond to ten questions which review the key concepts of the lesson.


Students will recall what they learned:
- How do authors of expository texts support their main points?
- What is the difference between reasons and evidence?
- How can mastering this skill help you become a better reader?

Students will read a passage titled, "Should I Recycle This?" and highlight the author's main point, reasons, and evidence. They will then discuss, with a partner, any information the author could have added to make the points stronger.

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