How are we protecting the environment?

How are we protecting the environment?

I can describe ways to protect Earth’s resources and the environment.

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How are we protecting the environment?

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In this lesson, students will describe Earth’s essential resources, the effects of pollution on these resources and the environment, and explore different ways to protect Earth’s resources and the environment.

Learning objective

Students will be able to describe ways to protect Earth’s resources and the environment.


Students will activate their prior knowledge to have a discussion about Earth’s natural resources. They will also discuss some ways they are currently protecting these named resources. The lesson will remind students that natural resources (air, land, and water) are essential to our everyday lives. It will explain to students that in order to continue to benefit from these resources it is important that we do our part to conserve them


The lesson will describe the importance of air, land, and water for our well-being and how they are important to all living things. Students will look at several pictures illustrating pollution to these resources, they will analyze them and discuss how pollution impacts Earth’s resources. The lesson will explain that there are different factors that can harm these resources such as pollution and industry. It will further discuss how factories contribute to the pollution of our land, air, and water. They will watch a video highlighting the effects of pollution and plastic waste on our environment and our wildlife. Students will explore the different ways they can protect the environment. Then, they will complete a sorting activity to show their understanding of different things people do that are good and bad for the environment.


Students will respond to 10 questions including 3 true/false, 3 multiple choice, and 4open-ended questions.


Students will demonstrate what they’ve learned by writing a short letter to a government official, such as the mayor or governor, describing ways our environment is harmed and what can be done to protect it.

Teaching tips

Allow students to take notes about harmful factors contributing to polluting our environment and how to protect it.

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Gynzy is an online teaching platform for interactive whiteboards and displays in schools.

With a focus on elementary education, Gynzy’s Whiteboard, digital tools, and activities make it easy for teachers to save time building lessons, increase student engagement, and make classroom management more efficient.

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