Commas and quotation marks in dialogue

Commas and quotation marks in dialogue

I can use quotation marks and commas in dialogue correctly.

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Commas and quotation marks in dialogue

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In this lesson, students will learn what quotation marks and commas in dialogue mean and how to read them. They will then apply this to their own writing.


CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.3.2c; CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.3.3b

Learning objective

Students will be able to use quotation marks and commas in dialogue correctly.


Students will consider the differences in the way they speak versus the way they write. They’ll then review some of these differences: structure, slang, non-verbal communication, and changes for audience. They will then be asked if certain writing sounds more like written or verbal communication and for what reason (using the 4 areas noted above).


Students will learn that when speech is put into writing to create dialogue, quotation marks and commas are used. They will then learn where to place commas in a dialogue between characters. Students will engage in activities to test their understanding, including dragging text out of speech bubbles and placing them in quotes, adding quotes to a dialogue, adding commas to a dialogue, and racing to place quotation marks raining down on the characters.


Students will fix 10 sentences with dialogue by adding commas and quotation marks in the correct places.


Students will talk with a classmate about a fun topic (chosen from a provided list) and put their dialogue in writing.

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