Cite evidence from informational text to support answers

Cite evidence from informational text to support answers

I can cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says.

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Cite evidence from informational text to support answers

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In this lesson, students will learn how to cite evidence to support their answers using the ACE method. They will also learn phrases to help them cite credible information. They will read several passages and answer questions citing the texts.



Learning objective

Students will be able to cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says.


Students will watch an introductory video about using text to cite evidence for support. Explain why it is important to cite evidence to support claims.


Students will look at 3 steps they should always follow when looking for text evidence: 1) Identify the answer or opinion you want to prove. 2) Reread the text carefully. 3) Locate specific evidence, or proof, in the text. 4) Identify the evidence. If quoting, use the exact words and quotation marks. If paraphrasing, use your own words.

Students will be introduced to a way to easily remember how to cite evidence: ACE (Answer the question being asked. Cite evidence from the text. Explain your answer using your prior knowledge and examples from the text and personal experiences.). Next, students will look at phrases, such as, "The author wrote..." and "According to text..." they can use to cite evidence.

Students will read a paragraph about Levi Strauss and the Gold Rush. After reading, they will first answer a question about the text themselves and then find the answer in the text. Students will write the answer citing evidence from the text with one of the phrases they learned before. They will do a similar activity with paragraphs about volcanos, climate change, and the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.


Students will answer ten questions in which they review ACE and are asked to identify what to do to textually support analysis.


Students will recall what they learned by responding to the following questions:
- Why is citing textual evidence important?
- What steps should one take when wanting to cite the text for support properly?

Lastly, students will read an article about globalization. They will write a paragraph about the benefits and disadvantages of globalization including evidence from the text.

Read our blog post to learn more about reading comprehension exercises!

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