Characteristics of fish

Characteristics of fish

I can describe fish by their characteristics.

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Characteristics of fish

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In this lesson, students learn about the characteristics of fish which include gills and fins. They’ll be able to identify fish and non-fish and accurately describe their features. The lesson includes fun and interactive activities like a puzzle and a maze.



Learning Objective

Students will be able to describe the features of fish and correctly identify them.


To begin, have students solve the puzzle and put the picture of the fish together to reveal the entire image. Ask, “What animal is this?”


Explain what characteristics are and begin to list and explain the characteristics of fish: Fish live and breathe underwater using gills. They also have fins, are cold-blooded, and they lay eggs. Students then drag the characteristics to complete the bubble map. After this, students will read a passage about “Fiona the fish.” Using the information from this passage, have students read the statements and fill in the blanks. Next, have students fill in the circle map. They can use the text or pencil tool to write about characteristics, specific facts, or even examples of fish. Then drag to sort the characteristics and pictures into “fish” or “not fish.” Finally, students complete a maze and try to get the fish to her family by following the path with fish characteristics.


Students respond to ten multiple-choice questions about the characteristics of fish. They will also look at pictures of different animals and decide which are fish and which are not.


Students will design their own fish. They should label their picture to show what makes it a fish and complete the sentence starter, “This is a fish because…” This activity comes with an optional printable worksheet.

Instruction materials

There is a printable worksheet for the closing activity.

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Gynzy is an online teaching platform for interactive whiteboards and displays in schools.

With a focus on elementary education, Gynzy’s Whiteboard, digital tools, and activities make it easy for teachers to save time building lessons, increase student engagement, and make classroom management more efficient.

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