Cause and effect relationships in historical texts

Cause and effect relationships in historical texts

I can explain the relationship between historical concepts by using specific

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Cause and effect relationships in historical texts

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In this lesson, students will identify the causes and effects in several passages about Rosa, President Theodore Roosevelt, and Henry David Thoreau.



Learning objective

Students will be able to explain the relationship between historical concepts by using specific details from the narrative-nonfiction text.


Students will discuss what narrative non-fiction is.


Students will be introduced to historical concepts, which include cause and effect. They will see how identifying the causes and effects of events is important for interpreting historical texts. They will read a short passage about Rosa Parks and highlight the signal words, such as, "because," "so," and "as a result." They will also read a longer passage about President Theodore Roosevelt reading Our National Parks by John Muir and highlight signal words, identify the cause, and identify the effect. They will then match the causes to their effects.


In ten problems, review causes and effects of narrative non-fiction texts with your students.


Have students recall what they learned in this lesson. They will close the lesson with a passage about Henry David Thoreau.

Read our blog post to learn more about reading comprehension exercises!

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