Apostrophe to form frequently occurring possessives

Apostrophe to form frequently occurring possessives

I can use apostrophes to show possession in nouns.

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Apostrophe to form frequently occurring possessives

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Apostrophes are a critical part of written communication because they show possession. In this lesson, students will learn how to use apostrophes for both singular and plural possessive nouns. Exercises invite students to find the possessive known in different sentences.

Common core standard(s)



Apostrophes are an important piece of punctuation that sometimes gives students trouble. There are numerous questions and interactive exercises designed to get students engaged and familiar with this concept.


When you have completed this lesson, students will understand the correct usage of apostrophes to demonstration possession of nouns.

Guided practice

Students are given 10 questions to practice possession in nouns with apostrophes. Repetition is key. Ask for student participation throughout. Many of the exercises here come with images that reinforce the content.


When the lesson is complete, students will be asked to reflect on what a possessive noun is, and where you should place an apostrophe in a possessive noun.

Teaching tips

The last slide contains an activity with two fun spin-the-wheel exercises, one for a possessive noun, one for the item that noun owns. Invite a student up to the board to create sentences of their own, and then have the class join in to create the appropriate possessive noun.

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