Ancient Egypt: The Middle and New Kingdoms

Ancient Egypt: The Middle and New Kingdoms

I can describe ancient Egyptian leaders, religion, & way of life during the...

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Ancient Egypt: The Middle and New Kingdoms

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Students learn about life in the Middle and New Kingdoms of Ancient Egypt, including the reigns of Ramses II, Hatshepsut, and Akhenaten. They will explore the factors that contributed to the rise and fall of Ancient Egypt.

Learning Objective

Students will be able to describe the characteristics of the Middle Kingdom and the New Kingdom in Ancient Egypt.


Explain that Egypt’s history is divided into three time periods. Review characteristics of the Old Kingdom, and introduce the Middle and New Kingdoms. Spin the wheel and have students predict the answers to the questions presented.


Begin by describing the Middle Kingdom as the “Golden Age.” During this time, Egypt took control of more lands and art flourished. Have students draw a picture to represent their lives. Then explain how the Middle Kingdom came to an end with the invasion of the Hyksos, leading to the reign of Ahmose and the start of the New Kingdom. Share some facts about this time known as “The Imperial Age.” Discuss the reigns of Queen Hatshepsut and Ramses II. Finally, describe how ancient Egypt began to weaken and decline in power. Have students drag the phrases into the correct box to compare the Middle Kingdom and the New Kingdom.


Check student understanding with ten multiple-choice and true or false questions.


Students will write a diary entry either from the perspective of Queen Hatshepsut, Ramses II, or an ancient Egyptian commoner. They should include details about their daily life, major decision, and other historical events.

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