Acknowledge characters' different points of view

Acknowledge characters' different points of view

I can acknowledge characters' different points of view.

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Acknowledge characters' different points of view

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This lesson introduces the concept of point of view in storytelling. A distinction is made between first, second and third person. The difference between a character, narrator, and author of a text is also explained.



Learning Objective

Students will be able to acknowledge characters' different points of view.


Just about every story we read or tell has characters, a narrator, and an original author. In some cases, a character also serves as a narrator, or maybe the author inserts themselves into the text as the narrator. Other times, the narrator is a separate entity entirely. Understanding the distinction between a character, narrator, and author is critical for reading comprehension.


Students are presented with various texts and are asked to determine who is speaking. There is also a spin-the-wheel activity to determine whether a text is written in first, second or third person.


Students are asked ten questions to distinguish between a character, narrator and author. They are also asked to reinforce the distinction between first, second and third point narration.


Students are asked to form groups, pick a favorite text and determine who is telling the story and what perspective they are telling it from.

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Gynzy is an online teaching platform for interactive whiteboards and displays in schools.

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